Friday, March 8, 2013

Reviewing Fellow Students Blogs

Since this blog was created for a class at Buffalo State College I have the pleasure to not be the only one covering the topics you see on my blog.  We had an assignment to take a look at a few fellow students blog pages and see how they relate and what they offered to the subjects.  In truth I looked at nearly all the blog pages and the two I will be discussing are these:
Both of these students really did well in expressing the elements and principles of art in project one.  What I do find interesting it the similarities in all the blog postings when pattern and repetition are being portrayed.  These fundamental parts of art cover so many areas and yet we all see them in a similar fashion, that was cool to see.

Project Two really surpised me in the diversity of the pictures that students were drawn too.  This really captures the individuality of people when art is considered.  We all have a basic understanding of the principles and elements in art but the way they are used is appealing to us in different ways.  Oddly the two students I reviewed here did not use the same photos I did in any of the topics.  I can say that Meg Land was also connected to a piece I like but sadly did not get a picture as good as hers:
Philip Guston's untitled
 Both students had pieces that sadly I did not see and wish that I had.  Maybe I just walked by them but I also wanted to know mare about the works.  They are these 2 pieces:
James Howell 94.75-96.66 10/26/03, 2003
Philip Lorca diCorcia's picture Head #6
I just like both these pieces and really wish I saw them.  Just to read a bit more about them would nice honestly.  The James Howell piece really looks clean and well laid out.  The Philip Lorca diCorcia photo just offers up a realness that captures a theme I just wish to confirm.

After taking the time to reflect on my peers work and also review their reflections on mine I feel that this blog really does help express the learning process of the course.  The feedback also helps when going back and self reviewing my own work to see if I captured the concept the way others have or if I missed the mark completely.  I will say this though, it is a lot of work keeping a blog!  Sure it is easy in concept, but laying it out and making sure your words do not miss their meaning all the while trying to express your class work can take some time.  The process help the understanding and appreciation for art and all that goes into it.  From a test standpoint, it has not helped me.

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