Saturday, April 6, 2013

Module Nine - Drawing Assignment

Took on an interesting assignment for this module and it involved using my non-dominate hand!  The task was to draw a still image of your hand with both your dominate hand and then once again with your non-dominate hand.  Lets take a look at the pieces:

Drawn by my dominate hand
Drawn by my non-dominate hand
I have drawn my own hands before so this was not to out of the ordinary.  What was a slight twist was the use of my off hand to draw.  I chose to go with pencil mainly because I knew if I had to use charcoal for my non-dominate hand it would be a disaster.  The smudging alone would render the picture non viewable.  As I suspected, the drawing with my left hand was like learning to write all over again.  I honestly could not hold the pencil.  I was unsure how to move my hand in coordination with my fingers holding the pencil.  The left hand picture did come out better than I expected.  You can see how I need to produce small strokes to even complete turns and produce curves.  It took a few strokes to get into the swing of things but in the end I liked how the scale of the project came out.  As for trying this again, I would.  Again, I would stick with pencil.  Paint wouldn't make it into the picture for at least a few attempts.  I would honestly tell people to try this on their own.  The experience was enjoyable and a good learning experience.

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