Tuesday, May 14, 2013

AED200 - About the Course "Extra Credit"

1. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the best? Why?
I would have to go with the off hand drawing assignment.  This was something I have never done before and it was interesting to see how my off hand struggled to perform even the simplest of tasks.   It was by no means a difficult assignment but I enjoyed it more than I expected.

2. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the least? Why?
My least favorite has to be the reviewing of others art curator projects.  I am a bit of a harsh critic and really find art to be taste driven.  These combined really just make me feel like I am being unfair or overly judgmental of others work but then having to suppress that to try and sound impartial to work that may/may not have been well thought out.  In short I do not feel like I am qualified to put down anyone's work on a technical level and am left to my personal interpretation while forced to suppress that instinct, was tough.
3. How did you like using ANGEL?
Navigation in ANGEL is easy and I have used it quite a bit due to the number of online classes I have taken over the last 3 semesters at Buffalo State and 2 other semesters at ECC.  I think it is buggy and has some issues with regards to user interface and speed but that is all knocks on the design side with no correlation to this course.

4. If you had the opportunity to change this course:
What would you keep?
The different tasks.  The discussion board, blog reviews (video and project), projects and art visits.

What would you remove?
The occurrence of all of them every week.  The reading and discussion every week then blog posts on videos based on the same content mixed with a project or similar every week was exhausting.  You can see it in the post people put in the discussion board and the replies to them as well.  They get pretty sub par pretty quickly.  Having one posting activity every week and a project or quiz is plenty in my opinion but I am not immersed in the art world and these things all take time for me to do.

What would you add?
Honestly I would not add anything.  There was so much content that additions are not needed anywhere.  The material was covered from 2 angles and was even reflected on from both those angles.  Any more content and this would be a graduate class for an art major ;)

5. Would you recommend this course to your peers?
I would only recommend this class to a few people I know that have a good work ethic and enjoy art.  Though that list is small, I would still recommend the course.  I would definitely warn them of the work load, to make sure they balance out their schedule to accommodate.  But, the class was not bad in any way, well I didn't like the quizzes but who does really ;)

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