Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Project #5 Blog Post

I actually looked at five different projects before I selected one.  I  was not looking for anything specific, or so I thought, until I realized the five I selected:
  1. Melissa Dillion - Nature: The Real and The Surreal
  2. Anil Akyigit - Nature is the Beauty of Earth
  3. Kellie Magle - Trees of Life
  4. Brandon Martens - The Beauty of a City
  5. Jeffery Wilcox - Reality Unhinged
They all had to do with either nature or some form of surrealism.   Hey, I guess you know what you like and gravitate towards it.  I ended up selecting the exhibit by Jeffery, Reality Unhinged.  Mainly I chose it because my personal like for Salvador Dali.  I knew he would be there from the title and the exhibit did not disappoint.

The only real challenge I faced in this critique was finding the proper way to express my interpretation without being judgmental towards the pieces.  Trying to keep the review to style and its fit in the exhibit is what I focused on and that seemed to help keep personal taste from interfering.

I enjoyed critiquing the work of my peers especially since it was all done off site.  Trying to judge someone you do not know in person can be stressful and unless you are prepared for a rebuff it is hard to anticipate the reaction of a peer when being critiqued.

Reading the critiques of my own exhibit would be nice.  It would at the very least allow me to see if they saw my vision for the project or not.  I would not be so concerned with the review of which pieces I selected, I did not make them but if they felt a piece did not fit it would be helpful so see why they thought so.

I would rate my finished article a 9/10.  Mainly because I am no master of this craft and I cannot hope to be seen as perfect in this area.  I would however consider my article objective and not merely a thumbs up or down type of article.  I would like to think that after reading my paper that you could experience the concept of the exhibit without ever actually have been there.

This was an enjoyable project.  I did stress over the pieces I wanted to include in my own exhibit and really spent a lot of time trying to make sure my concept would work.  I am sure most students had the same reflection while working out the flow of their exhibit.

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